The online Reference Services Contact Report form, also known as Reference Services Dashboard, is used to record the type of reference service inquiry, the delivery method, where the contact transaction took place, and nature of transaction.
Tip: Librarians have found that by using this form in the Mozilla FireFox web browser, it allows one to use the refresh on the address bar after your contact has been submitted to display what was recently submitted again. The librarian can then remove some of the field entries to be ready for the next contact entry.
Transaction types are defined as:
Directional = Contacts in which librarians primarily provide directional information rather than instruction.
Information/Instruction = Contacts in which the bulk of the librarian's time is spent teaching, guiding, or explaining.
Length of Interaction = Captures the time spent with the library user during the contact.
Interaction Began Within= Captures the number of contacts during a specific hour of the day.
Day of Week = Captures the day of week the contacts occur.
Location = Captures where and how the reference service contact was delivered.*
Topic = Captures a general overview of the nature of a contact's question.
Subject = Captures the general subject matter of the transaction. RST decided not to require this field to be identified as of Spring 2019 semester.
Easy access to the Library Reserves Team's online TextBook Form.
Library Reserves Team is compiling the data for the purpose to enhance a textbook collection useful for students and programs.
Reference Librarians will engage in professional reflection and conversation surrounding the best practices identified by the American Library Association's Reference & User Services Association (RUSA) division Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference & Information Service Providers. Peer observation activities at the Reference Desk will take place once every academic year, usually the opposite semester of instruction peer observation.
The goal of peer observation at the Reference Desk is for each of us to engage in professional conversation and conversation surrounding best practices for Reference Desk service.
Librarians try to do peer observation once a academic year.
Spring Semester