Research help desk calls will ring through Web-ex also. Only the person scheduled on desk needs to monitor the desk phone. See Closed Campus for when the phone needs to be monitored via Web-ex.
The Research Help Desk phone is located at the Research Help Desk. Calls for the x1615 line will also ring through Web-ex, but only the person scheduled on the desk needs to monitor the phone. See Closed Campus for when the person scheduled on desk would monitor the x1615 line via Web-ex. There is a way to mute the desk phone on Web-ex when you are not scheduled. See the Muting instructions for this.
Check for voicemail messages and missed calls when opening the Research Help Desk and throughout your shift.
To retrieve voicemail messages:
Return all voicemail messages. Consider returning missed calls. You can save a message if you need to gather more information and return the call later, or need to follow up with more details. Delete all voicemails and missed calls after the transaction is resolved.
Transcripts for voicemail messages will also be sent to the LibAnswers email: and will show up in the Tickets. You can view the transcripts in LibAnswers but should use the desk phone or Web-ex phone to answer the message. After responding to the voice message you can change the ticket to Closed.
If another librarian is coming to the desk after your shift to relieve you, keep them informed of any voice messages we received and you answered. If you are closing the desk for the day, you can inform the next person coming on the desk for the first shift the following day.
Always ask a caller first if they would like to be transferred to the other person's voicemail and give the caller the phone number to which you are transferring them.
To transfer a call directly to Voicemail:
1. From a connected call (not on hold) press the Transfer button.
2. Enter *55 + transfer recipient's phone number, then hit the Green "Call" button.
For more help, see the Wired Phone Quick Guide and Webex App Softphone Instructions.
To stop the Research Help Desk phone line from ringing on your laptop and office phone, follow the instructions below.