Every two weeks, you will be required to submit your online timecard to the Library Director. To access your Time Card, log in to the MyLCC Sign In with your LCC username and password. At your MyLCC page select the "Work" tab, then find the "Time Reporting " box. The following 3 steps are examples of time reporting for a part time librarian.
Choosing the correct date under the row Lab Hours Pay -- Regular Pay Type, you can then enter the amount of hours worked for that particular day by selecting Enter Hours. Hours can also be adjusted once entered. If you are viewing the previous week of the current pay period, you can select Next to view the second week of the current pay period.
Once you have selected Enter Hours, check to make sure your entry screen reflects the correct date. You will then enter the amount of hours worked for that date, then select Save. Your entry should then be reflected on the pay grid.
Once your hours for the current pay period have been completed, select Submit for Approval. The due date for submission is the final Friday of the pay period by 10:00 am unless otherwise notified by Human Resources. Your submission is then completed. If there is need for further action from you, you will be notified by the Library Director.
Reference Schedule Process
Entering Work Availability for Reference and Instruction Scheduling:
The trading of Research Help desk and Virtual Reference shifts should be kept to a minimum. Sometimes librarians may need to trade shifts. When using pre-scheduled sick time on your timesheet for doctor appointments or other health related absences, you should arrange for a trade of your shift. Do not drop your shift without approval or an arranged trade.
To arrange a trade, use the Tradeboard or the drop feature in W2W when arranging for someone to cover your shift.
Partial shift coverage:
a) When needing part of your Research Help desk shift covered, arrange for a trade with another librarian. Be aware that W2W software does not allow for partial shift trades to appear on the schedule.
b) Send an email to the library staff (SS-LIBRARYSTAFF@.lcc.edu) list and indicate the librarian covering what portion of the assigned shift.
Dropping a reference shift without a trade is only allowed with the approval of the Library Director or Reference Lead Librarian.
To attend a conference and / or write a conference proposal you must seek approval from the Library Director. See Library Business Specialist to register.
W2W Research Help Desk Shifts with some definitions and clarifications as needed:
Late for Research Help Shift:
Unexpected Absence:
Absences due to illness, unexpected appointments, and tardiness must be called in at least 1 hour prior to the start of an employee's work shift. (there may be some cases such as car trouble/accidents when you might not be able to notify the library director an hour prior to starting. In cases such as these, just notify the director as soon as possible).
Note: In the absence of the Reference Lead Librarian or the Instructional Services Librarian, the Library Director will serve as backup for finding substitutes.
Librarians who are either late or will be absent for their assigned shift on a Saturday or Sunday must leave a message for that day's Help Zone staff at (517) 483-1038 or send a message in the Library Help Zone/Librarian communication Web-ex space. Also send an email to the SS-LIBREF list so the Librarians are aware of absence from the weekend. The next day's Research Help librarian will know to check the LibChat tickets early.