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Lansing Community College Library

Library Teams: Web

All the teams in the LCC Library, a description of their purpose, and a listing of their charges and responsibilities


The Web team works to continually improve the library website by providing a forum for its design, development, maintenance, and quality control.


The Web team has adopted a user-centered design philosophy which, through communication with LCC students via iterative usability testing and redesign processes, enables the creation and maintenance of a fully accessible, and easily-used website.

The Web team has responsibilities for the following areas:

  1. Designing, developing, maintaining, and improving the library website while ensuring content remains relevant and current.
  2. Monitoring web service trends as well as sharing, communicating, and experimenting with new web tools.
  3. Developing in-service sessions to help team members build core web maintenance and development skills.
  4. Keeping staff informed of website developments and changes.
  5. Evaluating the effectiveness of web services and processes.
  6. Implementing department goals, policies, and procedures that fall within the team's purview.
  7. Taking action on business referred by DIT.
  8. Evaluating the team's effectiveness annually.

Website Resources

Team Communication

The Web Team will meet 3 times a semester. Each meeting will have a different focus:

  • goal planning
  • user feedback
  • professional development.

Team meetings are open to all staff. Agenda of upcoming meetings will be sent by e-mail in advance of the meeting to all library staff. Meeting notes are posted to the "Library Staff Updates" WebEx team no later than one week following the meeting. Agendas and meeting notes will be made available in the department shared SharePoint.

Team Representation

  • Web Services Librarian
  • Library Communications Manager
  • Online Learning Librarian
  • Library Technologist
  • Reference / Instruction Rep
  • Electronic Resources Rep
  • Catalog and Systems Rep
  • User Services Rep
  • Student Rep