The Department Improvement Team (DIT) is responsible for long range planning, decision-making, and setting priorities for all aspect of library services and operations in the context of college-wide planning processes.
The Department Improvement Team leads library strategic planning and reviews progress towards library goals. It helps foster communication with the rest of the library regarding long range planning, library policy changes, and improvement processes. It ensures that library decisions are student centered and support the learning mission of the college.
The Department Improvement Team has responsibilities for the following areas:
The team is comprised of representatives from each library team. The representative will communicate with their team and team members will communicate with their representative. Agenda of each upcoming meeting will be e-mailed in advance of the meeting. Team members will share in note taking. Facilitators will rotate each semester. Agenda items can be added to the DIT WebEx. The facilitator will send an email call for agenda items one week prior to the meeting. The facilitator will work on the agenda with input from the Library Director. Meeting notes are posted to the Library Staff Updates WebEx no later than one week following the meeting.
Representatives will serve a one year term. The Library Director, Business Specialist, and Communications Specialist are standing members.