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Lansing Community College Library

Library Teams: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

All the teams in the LCC Library, a description of their purpose, and a listing of their charges and responsibilities


We in the Library/Learning Commons champion an inclusive environment through competency training, encouragement of personal growth, restorative communication practices, and diverse recruitment and retention. We offer displays, collections, programming, and research assistance that speak to the rich needs and identities of patrons from the LCC community and beyond. The team meets every month during fall, spring and summer semesters. 


Plan professional development and training for the entire Library/Learning Commons department.  

Participate in ongoing DEI training throughout the College and community.  

Plan programming and education for the College and community with a focus on collaboration with campus partners.  

Evaluate and make suggestions for Library collections.  

Assess Library practices, procedures and spaces to identify systems of inequity and suggest action.  

Develop a shared understanding of the nature of systemic racism and bias in libraries and library-related organizations and how to combat it.  

Lead accessibility efforts within the Library department.  


Team meetings are open to all staff. The agenda of each upcoming meeting will be sent by email in advance of the meeting. Members of the team share in meeting facilitation and note-taking. Meeting notes are emailed to the library distribution list no later than one week following the meeting. Agendas and meeting notes will be made available in SharePoint. 

Team Representation

All staff are welcome

  • Representative from Reference Services Team
  • Representative from User Services Team
  • Representative from Technical Services and Systems
  • Representative from Technology Resources
  • ACQA Library Member Student Employees
  • Representation from the Learning Commons
  • Representation from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion