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Lansing Community College Library

Library Teams: Budget & Operations

All the teams in the LCC Library, a description of their purpose, and a listing of their charges and responsibilities


The Budget and Operations Team (BOT) provides support for planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating department budget, facility, operations, and equipment processes and needs.


The Budget and Operations Team develops recommendations, guidelines, processes, and procedures pertaining to library and tutoring budgets, facility, equipment, and general department operations (renovations, furniture repair, phones).

The Budget and Operations Team has responsibilities for the following areas:

  1. Planning for library and tutoring budget needs.
  2. Evaluating the effectiveness of department budget processes to ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability.
  3. Monitoring department budget projections and expenditures.
  4. Operationalizing budget and operations directives from the college/division.
  5. Monitoring the department's ongoing facility and equipment needs.
  6. Making department recommendations regarding budget and operational issues.
  7. Communicating budget and operations information to the department.
  8. Liaison with college budget and operations groups as needed.
  9. Implementing department goals, policies, and procedures that fall within the team's purview.
  10. Taking action on business referred by DIT.
  11. Evaluating the team's effectiveness.

Team Communication

Team meetings are open to all staff. Agenda of each upcoming meeting will be sent by e-mail in advance of the meeting. Members of the team share in meeting facilitation and note taking. Meeting notes are e-mailed to the library distribution list ( no later than one week following the meeting. Agendas and meeting notes will be made available in the department shared workspace.

Team Representation

  • Library Director
  • Tutoring Services Coorinator
  • Department Budget leader
  • Department Operations Leader
  • Tutoring Support Staff
  • Other (technology consultants as needed)