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Lansing Community College Library

Integrate the Library into D2L: Discussion Boards

Learn how to add library resources to your D2L course.

D2L Discussion Board Links

You can add links to articles from the databases on a discussion board in D2L. Follow the instructions to make sure the link is available both on and off-campus.

Step 1: Find the Right Article URL

Instead of using the URL from the web browser, find the persistent URL (PURL) provided by the database.

Below are instructions for finding PURLs in some popular databases:

  • Academic or General OneFile (Gale) - Click on Get Link near the top of the page.
  • ProQuest Central - Click on Copy URL above the article.
  • Issues and Controversies (Facts on File) - Click on Copy Link at the top of the page.
  • CINAHL (EBSCOhost) - Click on Permalink in the Tools box to the right of the article.

Step 2: Make Sure the Link Works Off-Campus

For a link to work off-campus, it needs to include a proxy prefix so students will be prompted to log in with a username and password. Some links to database articles already include this proxy either at the beginning of the link or as part of the link; for example,

However, if your link does not already have the proxy, you can use the box below or manually add it to the front of your link:

Proxy Prefix:

1. Copy and paste your URL here:


2. Click the "Create link" button below:


3. Copy and use the resulting link


4. Clear the form to make another link


Step 3: Add the Link to a Discussion Board

Take the link generated above and add it to D2L.

  1. Log in to D2L.
  2. Click on Communication and then Discussions in the bar across the top of the screen.
  3. Click on the Topic you would like to respond to.
  4. Either Start a New Thread or click on the title of an existing thread and Reply to Thread.
  5. Enter a Subject.
  6. As you type up your discussion post, highlight the article title you want to link to. 
  7. Click on Add/Edit Link.
  8. Paste the URL in the Link box.
  9. Click Apply.
  10. When you are done typing your post, click Post to add your post to the discussion board.