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Lansing Community College Library

Integrate the Library into D2L: E-Books

Learn how to add library resources to your D2L course.

Adding Links to E-Books in D2L

You can link to e-books from databases in D2L because many vendors give copyright permission to library patrons to establish links. 

You can link to the entire book, a chapter of a book, or specific pages.

Step 1: Find the Right Book URL

Instead of using the URL from the web browser, find the persistent URL (PURL) provided by the database.

Below are instructions for finding PURLs in some popular e-book databases:

  • EBSCO - Copy the Permalink to the right of the book.
  • SpringerLink - Copy the link in the web browser.

Step 2: Add the Link to D2L

Take the link above and add it to D2L.

  1. Log in to D2L.
  2. Select Content.
  3. Select the Module you want the object to appear in or create a new Module.
  4. Select New and then Create a Link
  5. Type the e-book title in the Title box.
  6. Paste the e-book URL in the URL box.
  7. Check box to Open as External Resource.
  8. Select Create.

Number of Licenses

If you are a faculty member and want to use an e-book for your class, you need to make sure it is licensed to be used by more than one person. Contact Demetria Patrick with questions about licensing.

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