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One Book One LCC - Tomatoland (2016-2017): Home

Resources for One Book One LCC 2016-17 - Tomatoland

One Book One LCC Now Beyond the Book

Read. Engage. Grow.

One Book One LCC is now under the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and is called Beyond the Book.  All members of the LCC community are invited to join in the reading of compelling and thought-provoking books and attend events related to their themes. Visit the Beyond the Book website for information.


Tomatoland by Barry Estabrook

This timely expose on industrial farming explores the modern production of tomatoes, highlighting the health, taste, and political and social costs of providing cheap, ostensibly seasonal produce year round. The volume explores the history of genetic experimentation with tomato crops, deterioration of heirloom stocks and the attendant sacrifices of taste for durability, and delves into the harsh labor practices, often illegal and occasionally including literal slavery, that run rampant in American tomato fields. The volume is written in an engaging style that will appeal to general readers with an interest in food politics. Estabrook is a prominent food journalist.

Reference & Research Book News Dec. 2011. 

Big Questions about Tomatoes

How do we feed the world?

Are we what we eat? What do we need to know about our food in order to make good decisions about what we eat?

How do we get tomatoes at Meijer's in January?

Why am I supposed to wash my tomatoes?

Which is more expensive - fresh produce or junk food?  Why?

Barry Estabrook

Follow Barry Estabrook

Databases to Help You Research Topics from Tomatoland


Profile Photo
Caitlyn Stypa
TLC Building

Liaison to:
Religious Studies
Interdisciplinary Humanities
Art History
Art, Design, & Media
Leisure Reading
Beyond the Book
Subjects: Art and Music

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