When is the collaborative switching to LibAnswers?
How do I access LibAnswers?
- To monitor chat, your username and password is the same as for any other LibApps, but the URL to access the system is at: rhn.libapps.com/libapps/login.php Click on LibChat → Connect
What are policy pages called?
- In the LibAnswers system, policy pages are called FAQ. A library may choose to set up one page with all of the policies on it similar to QuestionPoint, or they may set up many individual FAQs, e.g. What are the library hours?
How does shared follow-up work?
- A transcript is not automatically sent to a patron after a chat is finished. A patron can choose to receive a transcript at the end of their chat when they fill out a survey. Or a librarian can create a “Ticket” after a chat is complete which allows them to follow-up with the patron. This generates a transcript for the patron.
Can I use scripts like we did in Questionpoint?
- Scripts are called “canned messages” and they can be created by individual librarians or by Departments (Libraries).