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PSYC 175 Psychology of Death: Preparation for Living at Lansing Community College
Topic 3: Cultural Beliefs in Death
PSYC 175 Psychology of Death: Preparation for Living at Lansing Community College: Topic 3: Cultural Beliefs in Death
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Topic 1: Why Study Death and Dying?
Topic 3: Theoretical Perspective on Death and Dying
Topic 3: Cultural Beliefs in Death
Topic 4 : American Healthcare System
Topic 5 : Bioethics, Euthanasia, and Physician-Assisted Suicide
Topic 6: Patient/Caregiver Relationship and Responsibilities
Topic 7: End-of-Life Issues
Topic 8: Psychosocial Aspects of Death and Dying
Topic 9: Grief and the Process of Grieving
Topic 10: Modern Society View of Death - Coping with unexpected events re: suicide/war/pandemic
Topic 11 : How Children and Adolescents View Death
Topic 12: How Adults View and Represent Death
Topic 13: Death-Related Tasks and Decisions
Topic 14: The Funeral Business and Disposal of the Body
Topic 15 : What comes after?
Various Cultural and Tradition differences
Doing death differently: today's funerals are not like they used to be
Social bonds with the dead: how funerals transformed in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
Attitudes of Older Chinese Patients Toward Death and Dying
Burning Issues: Cremation and Incineration in Modern India
East Asia Funeral Customs
Funeral Customs & Traditions: The Surprising History Behind Gravestones
Doing death differently: today's funerals are not like they used to be
Doing death differently: today's funerals are not like they used to be
Death Rituals Around the World
Death Rituals Around the World
Understanding funerals in Xhosa culture
Understanding funerals in Xhosa culture
Death In Africa
Death In Africa
Unusual burial ceremony in Nigeria
Unusual burial ceremony in Nigeria
10 Bizarre Funeral Rituals in the World | Top 10 Weird List
10 Bizarre Funeral Rituals in the World | Top 10 Weird List
Hindu Funeral Ceremony
Hindu Funeral Ceremony
Cultural practices around illness and death
Cultural practices around illness and death 27min
When I Die: Inside Japan's Death Industry
When I Die: Inside Japan's Death Industry
Understanding Islamic Funeral Rituals
Understanding Islamic Funeral Rituals
Here, Living With Dead Bodies for Weeks—Or Years—Is Tradition
Here, Living With Dead Bodies for Weeks—Or Years—Is Tradition
Living with the dead in Indonesia
Living with the dead in Indonesia
Additional Resources
How different cultures view death
How different cultures view death
Cleaning the dead: the afterlife rituals of the Torajan people
Cleaning the dead: the afterlife rituals of the Torajan people
Topic 3: Theoretical Perspective on Death and Dying
Topic 4 : American Healthcare System >>