Below are some ideas for continuously improving your guide after it has been published.
Is the most important information highlighted?
Imagine you have 5 minutes with a student who stops by the Reference Desk. Make sure that information is on the first page of the guide.
Is the information up to date?
- Use the LibGuides Link Checker and manually review links to make sure the resources you are linking to work and are relevant.
- Are there new research databases, books, e-books, or streaming video to add? Check OneSearch for new resources.
- Should any older resources be removed?
How is your guide being used?
- Check usage statistics. Can any pages or links be eliminated? Similar to weeding books, removing what is not being used allows the "good stuff" to stand out and be seen. Less is more. If you add a new tab, box or link, remove one as well.
- How many assets are on your guide? Sort the assets by usage to see what is used the most and what isn't used at all.
What are common assignments for the class or program?
- Have assignments changed since the guide was created?
- Collect some frequently used assignments from faculty to help you reshape the guide.