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Lansing Community College Library

Collection Management: Ordering

This guide is a one-stop-shop for librarians and staff to learn more about the Library's collection development guidelines and how to develop, manage, and evaluate our collections to support student success at LCC.

GOBI Login

GOBI is YBP's selection portal that allows us to view the slips sent to us via email (weekly) and mark them for selection and eventual purchase by the Technical Services Manager.

GOBI login is done by entering your email and password. Once there, you can view your slip notifications for titles that meet our approval profile.

Print Versus E-Book

Your weekly slips in GOBI allows you to see electronic availability of an item. When choosing between print and e-book, consider the Library’s general selection guidelines. Also, if your liaison area relies heavily on off-campus access such as the technical careers courses at the West Campus, consider choosing the e-book version.

Choose the vendor for an e-book based on this order:

·         Proquest E-books

·         EBSCOhost

Choose SUPO (single user purchase option)

If a book has already been sent as DDA (you can find the message in the right corner of the screen that says "Library DDA sent"), don't select the print book anymore since it is already in our catalog as DDA title.

Guidelines for E-Book Ordering in GOBI

The documents below provides you some guidelines you need to follow when selecting e-books from GOBI.