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Lansing Community College Library

Leisure Reading: Be a Selector

Books and eBooks for fun and enrichment.

Who to Contact

Contact the Leisure Reading librarian (currently Caitlyn Stypa) to ask about participating in Leisure Reading selection or to suggest a book title for the collection.


Profile Photo
Caitlyn Stypa
TLC Building

Liaison to:
Religious Studies
Interdisciplinary Humanities
Art History
Art, Design, & Media
Leisure Reading
Beyond the Book
Subjects: Art and Music

How to Select Leisure Reading Material

  1. Contact the Leisure Reading librarian to be placed on the selection schedule.
  2. Choose ten titles.
  3. Make sure books are in print. Amazon or Barnes and Noble may be a good way to check.
  4. Check the library catalog to make sure the library does not already have the book in print format. If the title is in the collection only as an e-book, OK to order a print copy.
  5. Enter the titles on the Leisure Reading Selection form.
  6. Notify the Leisure Reading librarian when you have filled out the form.
  7. You can also get a form as a regular Excel file from the Leisure Reading librarian, fill it out, and send it back.

Thank you for selecting!

Please Note

The library welcomes suggestions for the collection, but titles are not guaranteed to be purchased. Selections are vetted by LCC librarians. See the LCC Library Collection Development guidelines for more information.

How to Find Books and Book Reviews

How to Find Titles Representing Diversity

The links above also provide reading lists for diversity.

Leisure Reading Diversity Audit

In 2021, the library surveyed the collection to assess how it reflects diversity. The purpose is to plan for improving diversity, equity and inclusion in the collection for the future.