Beyond the Book (2021-2022): Braiding Sweetgrass - Kimmerer
A campus-wide reading and discussion (and beyond) program that runs during the fall and spring semesters and focuses on four themes: gender and self identity, global and cultural perspectives, accessibility and advocacy, and diversity and racial equity.
Bioneers - Indigeneity Program"Bioneers is an innovative nonprofit organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet." - Bioneers About page
Native Knowledge 360° Lessons & Resources - National Museum of the American Indian"NK360° provides educational materials and teacher training that incorporate Native narratives, more comprehensive histories, and accurate information to enlighten and inform teaching and learning about Native America. NK360° challenges common assumptions about Native peoples—their cultures, their roles in United States and world history, and their contributions to the arts, sciences, and literature. NK360° offers a view that includes not only the past but also the richness and vibrancy of Native peoples and cultures today." - Native Knowledge 360° About page
Nokomis Cultural Heritage Center"The Nokomis Cultural Heritage Center is dedicated to the preservation of the History, Arts and Culture of the Anishinaabe people - Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatmi nations." - Nokomis Cultural Heritage Center Mission Statement
Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture and Lifeways"The Ziibiwing Center is a distinctive treasure created to provide an enriched, diversified and culturally relevant educational experience. This promotes the society's belief that the culture, diversity and spirit of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan and other Great Lakes Anishinabek must be recognized, perpetuated, communicated and supported." - Ziibiwing Center Homepage