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Lansing Community College Library

Art: Books

A research guide designed to assist visual art students in the location and use of art materials.

Browsing the Third Floor

Books on the 3rd floor of the library are organized by Library of Congress call numbers. Fine arts call numbers begin with the letter N. If you need help navigating the third floor stacks, ask the librarian at the Research Help Desk on the 2nd floor; we are hear to help you!

The Library of Congress Classification Outline provides a more detailed list of Fine Arts call numbers.

The links below will take you to the library's catalog results for print books within the given call number section (N, NA, NB, etc.)

Books with Images

Does the book above contain images? There is a simple way to find out! Look at the catalog record.

Under the Location, you will see Phys Descr. This will tell you the number of pages, the types of illustrative matter, if any, and the size. The most common terms used include:

  • ill. - illustrated
  • col. - color
  • plates - images which are not numbered as pages
  • port. or ports. - portraits

The linked record above shows: Phys Descr x, 237 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm. This book contains 16 plates, as well as other illustrative matter, some in color.

If you only see number of pages and size (cm.), the book probably does not contain images.

Finding Books and More - Library Catalog


Search the Catalog for books, e-books, streaming video, government documents, magazines, journals, and newspapers, and course reserves.