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Lansing Community College Library

A-Z Boxes: Alert Boxes

This guide contains boxes for librarians to use in their guides.

Alert Box - Databases

Database Problem


Creating Alert Boxes

The library is closing due to foul weather or the printer is out of service during finals, and you need to let patrons know right now.

Bootstrap's alert classes make it easy to create an attractive, standout message, although they do require familiarity with HTML and CSS.

Watch our Training Tidbit session video for step-by-step instructions, but in summary:

  1. Add a standard box on your storage guide for easy reuse.
  2. Create the Bootstrap alert using its classes. Afraid of breaking the page? Use a media/widget asset so you can fix it in Content > Assets. 
  3. When complete, copy the box ID and add {{content_box_<id>}} to your homepage's template.
    1. If using the box on another guide, head to that guide to map it as a floating box.
  4. Delete the alert from the homepage when done. For guides, change the box to draft mode if you want to keep it for later.