Fauna Fun Facts Virtual Display
You probably have a favorite kind of animal. Maybe your favorite animal is a giraffe, a lion, or a penguin. If you have a sense a humor, maybe your favorite is a llama, a sloth, or an axolotl. Well, whatever your favorite animal may be, you probably haven’t considered reading a book about it since you were a child. Now is the perfect time to revisit your childhood obsession!
Throughout the month of December, creative non-fiction books about animals will be on display on the second floor of the Technology and Learning Center. If December is often a stressful month for you, try easing your mind with a bit of light-hearted reading courtesy of the Lansing Community College Library.
Books will be on display until the end of December. Afterward, books will be available on the third floor of the TLC. Books are available for checkout via the Library Help Zone.