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LCC Library News


Mes de la Herencia Hispana | del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre 

Hispanic Heritage Month | September 15-October 15  


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Celebramos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana (del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre) en reconocimiento de los logros y contribuciones de los líderes hispanoamericanos que han inspirado a otras personas a lograr el éxito. Esta celebración empezó en 1968 como la Semana de la Herencia Hispana, bajo el presidente Lyndon Johnson, y fue expandida por el presidente Ronald Reagan en 1988 a un periodo de 30 días. Se promulgó como ley el 17 de agosto de 1988. Vea registros relacionados en la página de recursos de la herencia hispana y latina y en el catálogo de los Archivos Nacionales

We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 to October 15) to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American champions who have inspired others to achieve success. The observation began in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988. The theme for 2024 is “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together.” 


View the Library's Hispanic Heritage Month virtual display from 2022 with books, ebooks, and other resources. As well as Latinx Voices in our Leisure Reading collection.


Check out these Hispanic Heritage Month events presented by the Office of Empowerment.



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The Lansing Literary Festival kicks off on Friday, September 20th. with a poetry event hosted by LCC in Dart Auditorium. Throughout the weekend, many great events are scheduled around town that include a book crawl, scavenger hunts, live performances, workshops, and plenty of great books! Check out the LCC Library display that highlight some of the diverse authors found in the Lansing area and mid-Michigan.


Check out the Lansing Literary Festival Website for a detailed event schedule and listen to the event organizers discuss the planning process and highlight events on the LCC Connect podcast Written In the Stars.


the flyer for the lansing literary festival
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Quick Reads Virtual Display


Are you trying to get back into reading this semester? Are you an established reader trying to reach your reading goal before the end of the year? This collection includes novellas, poetry collections, and short story anthologies—shorter books which are perfect for building back your reading momentum! These books will be on display and available for checkout on the second floor of the TLC throughout the month of September.


Explore some of the featured ebooks below 


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Diversity in Theater Virtual Display

Theater is among the oldest forms of performance art. Every culture around the world has its own dramatic traditions, with favorite themes, characters, and story archetypes. This collection of plays and criticism gives a snapshot of contemporary theater and its importance to different groups of people around the world and in the United States. These books will be on display and available for checkout on the second floor of the TLC throughout the month of September.


Featured eBooks


Cover ArtTell Me Friends: Contemporary Stories and Plays of Tanzania by Lilian Osaki (Editor); Lisa María B. Noudéhou (Editor); Zn Mfono (Editor)

Publication Date: 2008-12-31

Cover ArtTwo Spirit Acts: Queer Indigenous Performances by Jean O'Hara (Editor)

Publication Date: 2014-04-15

Cover ArtLatinx Shakespeares: Staging U.S. Intracultural Theater by Carla Della Gatta

Publication Date: 2023-01-30

Cover ArtSongs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven and Other Plays by Young Jean Lee

Publication Date: 2009-05-01

Cover ArtThe 'd' Monologues by Kaite O'Reilly; Phillip Zarrilli These performance texts were written exclusively for performers identifying as Deaf, disabled or neuro-divergent. This unique collection of fictional dramatic monologues was written specifically for D/deaf and disabled performers (the 'd' of the title), informed by lived experience. But the 'd' could just as easily refer to difference, diversity, defiance, determination, desirability and a host of other delicious 'd's.... Covering a wide variety of form, content, and theatrical styles, the monologues offer fresh perspectives on difference and disability from across the UK and beyond. From biting satire to crip' pride, observational comedy to poignant revelations of life in contemporary Britain and beyond, these texts challenge and subvert ingrained preconceptions of disability and celebrate all the possibilities of human variety.This collection is the culmination of ten years work, with fictional monologues inspired by over 100 interviews, conversations and interactions with D/deaf and disabled individuals internationally. It brings together new and previously unperformed texts alongside monologues from In Water I'm Weightless (National Theatre Wales Cultural Olympiad 2012), the 70 minute stand alone one-woman show richard iii redux, co-written with Phillip Zarrilli, and the multilingual intercultural And Suddenly I Disappear: The Singapore/UK 'd' Monologues. The monologues offer a great resource for atypical performers as audition pieces and for companies and individuals as script-in-hand, full productions, solo shows or with larger casts. The variety of monologues enables flexible presentation as solo, choral or ensemble performances.  

Publication Date: 2018
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