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Lansing Community College Library

Biology 125: Introductory Biology: New Species

This guide focuses on research skills and resources you will use to complete the 3 articles required for your capstone project.

Choose a Species

To choose a species for your assignment, you might want to start with a web search. When you search the web, be sure to use credible sources. Try these reliable sources.

Evaluating the Websites You Find

Finding Too Much? Narrow Your Search

AND (finds fewer)

Use the boolean operator AND to find articles with ALL of the words, for example, Facebook AND privacy. Venn diagram emphasizing the overlap between two search terms such as Facebook and privacy

Subject Searching

Searches for words only in the subject field.

There is a line from Subject Search to Subject headings because it only searches subjects not other fields such as author, title, abstract, or text.

Phrase Searching

Search for two or more words as a phrase by using quotation marks, for example, "drunk driving."